Accurate Automotive is your number one shop for fair priced, honest and customer oriented auto repair in Mesa, Arizona. After opening their doors in 1992, they have tirelessly worked to ensure the personal satisfaction of each individual they have the pleasure of calling their customer. Their business is built on the foundation of mutual trust and care from the perspective of family. Because they are a locally owned, family run business, they have the opportunity to serve their community without corporate policies taking precedent over people.

Accurate Automotive's code of ethics demands that their services be available to all individuals at a fair price, that all repairs should be completed without cutting corners, ignoring potential issues, or conducting unnecessary repairs. They feel that this code is what has led to be one of the most successful automotive repair facilities in Arizona. Accurate Automotive invites you take full advantage of their services and to see for yourself what kind of difference an honest mechanic makes.

Bumper Audio Clip of the Week

Bumper to Bumper helps a listener with a 2022 Toyota Tacoma navigate the world of auto repair and instills trust in quality mechanics!